
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in becoming an American, travel, and my home city of San Francisco. Hope you enjoy!

Life as an AmeriCanadian in 2011

Life as an AmeriCanadian in 2011

2011 was a good year...

...took trips to Vegas,Vancouver, Victoria, Galiano, Whistler, Tahoe, Park City, LA, Davis and Austin

...Canucks made it to the Stanley Cup finals (lets not dwell on the loss and subsequent burning of downtown)

Not the Canucks playing but awesome seats eh??

...went crazy in SF celebrating Bridget's bachelorette with some of my favorite people 

...celebrated Canada day IN Canada for the first time in 11 years and still made it back to celebrate July 4th in SF...it was a legen- wait for it- dary weekend (I've created my very own How I Met Your Mother marathon thanks to Netflix instant viewing or whatever they call it)

...saw Slater (aka Mario Lopez), Harry Shum AND Snoop Dogg

...bought the best cowboy boots ever (seriously life changing purchase)

...did a lot of snowboarding and had awesome photoshoots like this one:

..oh yea...I BECAME AMERICAN!! Kind of an important one for this blog

... developed some serious American skills...if you're catching up here's what I've been up to:

learned how to bake a pie


shotgunned a beer,

went to the rodeo


shot a gun


donated blood


worked on a farm


rode a mechanical bull

Here's to an awesome 2012! I need volunteers to join me on a tour of the Budweiser factory AND the NASCAR race in June...both will require dressing up as a redneck...let me know if you're available. 

Getting my American-ness back on track

Getting my American-ness back on track

New Years Fondue Party

New Years Fondue Party