
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in becoming an American, travel, and my home city of San Francisco. Hope you enjoy!

Texas State Capital

Texas State Capital

Last stop on the Austin vay-cay was a trip to the state capital. Decided to stop by the governor's office and get some stuff done...no big deal just being super important.

TWO flags behind us- that means we're legit

Hanging out under the dome

We tried to jump in on a tour but after about 10 mins we got bored so I can't tell you anything cool about the building but I took some pics....fancy black and white pics because the capitol is some serious stuff. FYI they managed to fit either 'Texas' or a star on everything..hinges, lights, windows, door knobs, floor etc...its really impressive 

Patriotic fashion...

Patriotic fashion...

Austin hearts America...

Austin hearts America...