
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in becoming an American, travel, and my home city of San Francisco. Hope you enjoy!

Life as an AmeriCanadian in 2012

Life as an AmeriCanadian in 2012

2012 was a good year for this AmeriCanadian...

...took trips to Tahoe, Park City, Indio, Kauai, Vegas, LA, Austin and Vancouver

...managed to kick off 2013 with three days in Whistler (so amazing!)

...hung out with my Davis girls twice this year - Stagecoach AND Vegas!

...Snowboarded like crazy and started boxing

...wrote 69 blog posts, hit 5000 page views and found out that people really really like beer hats

Cook the books Challenge: Smitten Kitchen

Cook the books Challenge: Smitten Kitchen

'Murican Christmas 2012

'Murican Christmas 2012