
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in becoming an American, travel, and my home city of San Francisco. Hope you enjoy!

American gear

American gear

In Austin I saw some awesome American flag sunglasses that I decided not to purchase since they were already scratched (plus I had just 'invested' in cowboy boots and spending more money seemed extravagant)...I have regretted that decision ever since. So I decided to do some internet shopping on


. Turns out that the sunglasses I want are out of stock (LAME!) but I did find some awesome clothing options after searching for 'American flag' under Clothing and Accessories...I'm going to get my Christmas shopping done early with these gems. I  mean my dad would look stellar in these shirts:

For the office

For the weekend

My mom loves accessories so I think I'll be wrapping these up special for her...although its a little selfish since I will be borrowing the fanny pack when I go to the Nascar race.

Who doesn't love a hat that doesn't fit on your head?!?!

Purses just can't compete with the fanny pack...functional AND American

And I saved the best for last...my brother I'm sure totally needs these:

For the gym- he loves to work out so these will be perfect!

For the bars- gotta show off the guns right?!

But seriously, if anyone finds awesome American sunglasses let me know.

Ps. I'm thinking this flag 


 is my Halloween costume for next year.

Trail Ride

Trail Ride

Yet another AmeriCanadian in the country...

Yet another AmeriCanadian in the country...